A short, simple workout that doesn’t require much, if any, kit or thought. Tune in, join in and have a mini blast.


Monday 22nd March.

This one caught me out a little I have to admit!

5 moves. A minute on each move. 3 Rounds. So simple right?

3 Rounds of;

1 x minute of swings (kettlebell, dumbbell, sandbag, etc)

1 x minute of jumping lunges (or static lunges if you want an easier version)

1 x minute of glute bridges

1 x minute of press up with shoulder taps

1 x minute of single leg V-ups.

The quad burn is real on this jumping lunges. Many thanks, see you soon.

Wednesday 17th March.

An EMOM means you perform the exercises at the start of each minute, if you finish them before that minute ends you get to rest. Brill. :P

12 Min EMOM today with 1 x Wall Walk, 2 x Handstand Press Ups, 3 x V-Ups, 4 x Squat Jumps. This got tough rather quickly. Don't be afraid to modify the reps a little to give you that 20 seconds rest each minute.

Have fun. Peace.


Monday 15th March.

Bit of a core blaster today with 12 minutes of work of an ascending ladder, so 1 rep of everything, then 2 reps, etc. Movements in order are; Windscreen Wipers, Sit Ups, Plank knee to elbow touches, Squat Jumps and Burpees.

Little finisher is a press up capacity sequence.

3 or a 5 minute continous clock:

12 seconds fast press ups

12 seconds plank hold

30 seconds floor press with a pvc pipe.

Thanks so much and enjoy!

Friday 12th March.

Good morning everyone, hope you're all well.

Today we have 15 minutes of work to do and we've split it up into 5 minute sections as follows;

0-5 Min AMRAP - 12 x Squats 12 x Press Ups 12 x Lunges

5-10 Min AMRAP - 9 x Burpees 9 x Sit Ups

10-15 Min AMRAP - 12 x Squats 12 x Press Ups 12 x Lunges.

Plenty to get through with no rest periods, so try your best to keep moving throughout. Happy Friday and have a great weekend all.


Wednesday 10th March.

Three shorter timed workouts today with an aim to try to move quicker through them.

Workout 1 - 4 Minute AMRAP of; 12 x DB Snatch, 6 x Burpees Over DB

Workout 2 - 4 Minute AMRAP of; 12 x Alternating V-Ups, 6 x Pull Ups (Or bent over rows

Workout 3 - 4 Minute AMRAP of; 12 x Toes To Bar, 6 x Handstand Press Ups

Thanks for joining and have fun with it. :)


Monday 8th March.

15 Minute AMRAP today with dreaded wall walks! A wall walk is essentially going from a laid down position, perform a press up then walk you feet up a wall with your hands walking in until you are in a handstand position then control your walk back down.

This one caught me out with the wall walks so see how you get on. Don't start too fast but if you have a stronger movement that you're happy with then try to speed up for that.

Thanks and see you soon. Peace.


Friday 5th March.

An interesting take on 3 x 5 minute segments today, with a variety of movements to get you sweating. Ideally you will use a dumbbell or a kettlebell for this but if not don’t worry you can change it up to suit.

Wednesday 3rd March.

Today I, you... we will be tackling "Helen", a CrossFit classic workout which we can scale to suit what we have.

Helen is 3 Rounds 400m Run 21 KB Swings 12 Pull Ups. I subbed the 400m run out for 200 Double unders, but you could change it to single skips, or 2 minutes of jumping jacks.

Thanks for watching!


Monday 1st March.

Rolling 5 min AMRAPS today with progressively more tricky squatting movements, coupled with dips and sit ups.

Super simple yet effective.

Friday 26th February.

Really cool 12 Min Alternating EMOM today with triplet of movements. Just enough time to rest before the next minute.

Loved it!


Wednesday 24th February.

20 minute "Chelsea".

Chelsea is a CrossFit benchmark workout that is normally 30 minutes long, but we're going to do a truncated version today.

This kicked my ass. But I loved it!

Much love.

Monday 22nd February.

Super simple today. 5 moves, 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest, 3 round. Squats Press Ups Box Jumps Handstand Press Ups Burpees. Done!

Keep up the hard work everyone.


Friday 19th February.

Friday's mini blast consists of 2 x 6 minute AMRAPs back to back with no break in between, let's get it!

Full disclaimer I had shakey legs after this for a good 20 minutes. :P Loved it!

Wednesday 17th February.

Tony is leading us through today's mini blast. Taking you through a nice warm up to get your prepped for the approximately 15 minute workout, consisting of skipping, ground to overhead movement, overhead lunges and a plank hold. Keep going, stay strong. Much love.


Monday 15th February.

Sara has jumped in to film today’s Mini Blast for us and it consists of 3 x 4 minute workouts giving you the chance to work up a sweat.

Friday 12th February.

2 x 6 min AMRAPS today, one straight after the other to prove that it's not that cold outside when you're doing a mini blast!


Wednesday 10th February.

Work to do today with a 20 minute blast.

There are a few ways you could approach today's workout, you could treat it simply as work to get through and work through the time at a steady pace, or if you're after something a bit harder then you can try to attack it and see if you can sustain your pace.

Monday 8th February.

Great session today with a gentle warm up, a light thruster complex which aims to improve your form and capacity. Followed by some interval training with short bursts of 30 seconds max efforts.

Check it out.


Friday 5th February.

A suggestion from Jill Van Der Meulen today.

We'll call it "Jills Pyramid of Pain" and it's a beauty.

Wednesday 3rd February.

1 workout. 12 minutes. Or maybe a little longer.

Time to get a sweat on!


Monday 1st February.

Today was too sunny to do this outside so I asked my little Tai Chi master Henry to come and help me out.

Super simple today with minute efforts and a minutes rest as follows; 3 (or 4) Rounds, first round as your warm up.

Friday 29th Jan.

Happy Friday! Single WOD today with 12 minutes on the clock we have; overhead lunges, half Moons, plate squats and burpees over a plate. There’s also a short and fast little finisher for you to try after whilst you're still hyped.


Wednesday 27th Jan.

Today we are tackling 3 AMRAPS, with shortening time spans, a 6 min, 5 min and then a 4 minute blast.

Monday 25th Jan.

Today we are taking on the difficult ‘renegade row’ and dips in one of today’s 8 minute workouts.

Check it out and enjoy. You will feel much better after this one.


Friday 22nd Jan.

Today we are filling our time with one longer workout.

A 15 minute AMRAP of 21-15-9; Burpee Box Jumps, toes to bar and squats.


Wednesday 20th Jan.

Similar set up to the last Mini Blast, 4 minute AMRAP's are back. Real mix in the 3 AMRAP's today, plenty or room to work around whatever kit you have or don't have, so jump in and enjoy.


Monday 18th Jan.

An AMRAP is a set time in which you try to perform As Many Reps (or Rounds) As Possible. Today we have 3 x 4 minute AMRAPs to work through.

Each workout is capped at 4 minutes so you know you can push before having a rest and a movement change.

Have fun with it .

Friday 15th Jan.

15 Min AMRAP today.

Really enjoyed this today. Perfect little blast. No kit required just body weight movements throughout.

Enjoy those rest minutes and get after in the working minutes!


Wednesday 13th Jan.

Our second mini blast video. Get your short home workout done along with a coach. Little bit of kit would help with this wod today, somewthing you're able to perform dips and step ups on and something to use to weight up your thrusters if you want to. Have fun with it and keep it up! See you soon.

Monday 11th Jan.

The first of our Mini Blast series. The aim of these videos is to give you something to join in along with at home.

No kit or thought required, stick it on and get a good little workout in. These are of course scalable, so if you want to make these less or more challenging then play about with it.

Hope you enjoy and see you soon.